Thursday 1 December 2016

Personal Radiation Monitor

Dosimeter and DCAL

To protect our safety and health, we can use dosimeter and its software called Dose and Risk Calculation (DCAL) software. Dosimeters are used to measure the quantity of exposure by ionizing radiation. Other than dosimeter, a system software called “Dose Risk Calculation” software (DCAL) also can be used to measure the amount of dosage received by a person especially to those who exposed with high radiation environment such as medical physicist in the hospital and company workers.

What is Dosimeter?

A radiation dosimeter is a gadget that measures either directly or indirectly the presence with proportionate measurements, the rates, or related amounts of ionizing radiation.Dosimetry is divided into two which are absolute dosimetry and secondary dosimetry. Absolute dosimetry is determine as the dose of dosimeter without reference to another dosimeter while secondary dosimetry requires calibration against a primary standard. The dosimeter is created with a very thin layer of aluminium oxide.

What is DCAL?

The system software “Dose Risk Calculation” software (DCAL) is designed for use on a personal computer or scientific work station by users with experience in scientific computing and computational radiation dosimetry. The system consists of a series of computational modules driven by a user interface. DCAL may be used either in an interactive mode designed for evaluation of a specified exposure case or in a batch mode that allows non-interactive, multiple-case calculations. DCAL is intended for experienced users with knowledge of computational dosimetry. To install this software, PC with Windows operating system is needed and at least 30 MB hard drive storage space.

Ways to use dosimeter and DCAL

Dosimeter is a device that measures exposure of dose by using DCAL as a software that will calculate the exposure of the radiation.There are three main steps of dosimetric calculations by using DCAL software for intake of a radionuclide.  The first step is called activity module where its calculate of time-dependent activity of the parent radionuclide and its progeny present in anatomical regions of the body. The second step is SEE module. In this step dosimetric calculations calculate of SEE values for all combinations of target and source region. The final step is dose rate module. Dose rate module calculate the dose rates or equivalent dose rates based on the output generated in the first and second steps. The output will be displayed on a monitoring computer or monitor of the dosimeter device itself.

Comparison between DCAL software with Dosimetry Management Software

comparison with these two software. Both had its own advantage and disadvantage. It is stated as follows:
  • DCAL includes module of evaluation of dose rate resulting from external exposure to radionuclides present outside the body in environmental media such as distribution airborne in cloud, water, soil, and etc while Dosimetry Management Software includes evaluation at nuclear reactors.
  • DCAL is designed for use on personal computers or scientific work stations by experience users in scientific computing and computational radiation dosimetry while Dosimetry Management Software is designed more to analytic workstations where the results is analyse and determined the dose of radiation.
  • DCAL performs biokinetic and dosimetry calculations for the case of acute intake of a radionuclide by inhalation, injection or even ingestion into the body whereas for Dosimetry Management Software it does not perform any calculations but more to controlling and accessing dosimetry data that has been calculated via manually or any other applications.
Therefore with this comparisons, its really  undoubtfull that DCAL system software is much better compared to Dosimetry Management Software.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Dosimeter and DCAL

  • Easier and higher speed readout
  • More convinient to use
  • Can monitor radiation exposed fast
  • Need higher power source
  • Exposed to data hacking



Tuesday 22 November 2016




The Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Radiation) is a 4-year (8 semesters) full time academic programme which has been offered since academic year 2001/2002 to students with qualification of A-level, STPM, matriculation, diploma in radiography or equivalent. The government of Malaysia has accredited this programme since 2004.
This programme provides theoretical and practical training experiences, which will allow students to understand, able to explain and utilise ionising and non-ionising radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. The offering of this programme is expected to assist in fulfilling the national requirements for trained personnel in the medical radiation science disciplines. This programme opens up career opportunities in the field of diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and medical radiation protection which required knowledge and skills in these areas in order to ensure the safety of the graduates, medical and health professionals, patients and members of the general public.
The students are required to complete a total of 140 units for the purpose of graduation. The whole programme consists of 111 units of core courses, 15 units of university courses and 14 units of elective courses.

  • To produce graduates who have strong knowledge in the application of ionising and non-ionising radiation in medicine.
  • To provide graduates with sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical training in radiography, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and medical radiation protection.
  • To produce graduates who are sensitive and responsible towards the society, culture and environment.


The Medical Radiation programme produces graduates who will provide support and assistance in the area of health sciences. Students are highly encouraged to choose the medical radiation programme as a career because with the qualification in medical radiation science disciplines they will be employed in many areas. Graduates may pursue a career with either the government or private sector as
    • Science officer in research centres, institution of higher education and hospitals.
    • Research officer in research institution and institution of higher education.
    • Technical executive (radiation/radioactive sources) or quality assurance officer or engineer at private companies or industrial areas.
    • Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) in hospitals or industries.
    • Medical physicist (radiotherapy, nuclear medicine or radiology) in hospital.
    • Tutor or lecturer at government or private educational institutions.
    • Academic staff training candidates for specialisation in the field of radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy or radiation protection.

The average pay for a Medical Physicist is $128,589 per year. Pay for this job rises steadily for more experienced workers, but goes down noticeably for employees with more than 20 years' experience. A skill in Radiology is associated with high pay for this job.


Thursday 28 July 2016


Image result for vaccine

Since Edward Jenner introduced the first successful smallpox vaccine by injecting an eight-year-old boy with cowpox pus in 1796, vaccines have been an important part of public health care around the world (“Edward Jenner”). Yet today, many parents choose not to vaccinate their children. Because vaccines are widely supported by research, have few side effects, and have proven successful in halting the spread of disease, I believe it is important that all parents continue to vaccinate their children.

All major health organizations, including the Centres for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, recommend vaccination. The value of vaccination is supported by research from around the world, and researchers are constantly working to improve the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Epidemiologists, the scientists whose job is to study the outbreak of disease, all recommend vaccination.

 Image result for vaccine malaysiaImage result for vaccine malaysia

Many parents worry about the safety of vaccines. While side effects do occur, they are usually minor, like redness or swelling around the site of an injection. In Canada, only about one in a million doses of vaccine leads to serious side effects (“Fact and Fiction”). The most famous study linking vaccines to autism, one which got many parents worried about vaccination, has been proven false and the doctor who conducted the study has had his medical license taken away (Triggle).

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Around the world, increased vaccination leads to better public health. Diseases like smallpox and polio which once killed and disabled millions of people are virtually unknown today thanks to immunization programs. Yet in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan where the Taliban discourage immunization, rates of polio are on the rise again (Nordland).

If and when you have children, please get them vaccinated. The risks are minimal and you’ll not only be following the best advice of medical science and protecting your own child from disease; you’ll be helping in the fight to eradicate infectious diseases in your community and around the world.

Image result for vaccines for childrenImage result for vaccines for children